フランシスコ・ヴィダル 元アドミラル・カジノ・スペインCOO
by Francisco Javier Vidal Caamaño Former COO - Director of Operations ADMIRAL CASINOS SPAIN
私は昨年、ヨーロッパ有数のゲーミング企業NOVOMATIC GROUPのスペイン法人アドミラル・カジノ・スペインで、COOとしてカジノ施設を運営しながら、新規施設の開業準備を進めていました。アドミラル・カジノ・スペインの3つめのカジノ施設「Casino Admiral Granada」は11月29日に無事に開業しました。ここで私は仕事に一区切りをつけて、大学に戻ることにしました。ちょうどよい機会ですので、ゲーミング産業でのキャリアを振り返りながら、若い方々へのアドバイスをお伝えしたいと思います。
「ゲーミング業界で強固なキャリアを築く健全な方法は?」。私はしばしばこういった質問を受けますが、大学を卒業して1990年代の後半にカジノディーラーとしてスタートし、ヨーロッパ圏の主要カジノオペレーターのスペイン市場でのCOOになるまでの私の道のりは伝統的なものだったと言えます。ディーラーからCOOになるまでには、少なくとも8つの職位の階段を上らなければなりません。一般的には、Casino Dealer、Casino Supervisor、Pit Boss、Floor Manager、Deputy Manager (number 2 of the casino)、Casino Manager、Director of Operations (Gaming) 、COOです。
私が刺激を受けた知的でオープンな人の好例は、現在スペインのカCasino Palma de MallorcaのジェネラルマネージャーであるAntonio Sanchez氏です。彼はいま58歳ですが非常に革新的で創造的なマネージャーであり、2005年に私のボスでした。
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元アドミラル・カジノ・スペイン(NOVOMATIC GROUP)COO。オペレーションディレクターとして、マーケティング、F&B、IT、HR、セキュリティー&サべーランス、会計監査、ゲーミングオペレーションの指揮を執りながら、昨年11月末には「Casino Admiral Granada」をグランドオープンさせた。
1994年にスペインのUSC(University of Santiago de Compostela)経済・経営学部卒業後、カジノディーラーとしてゲーミング業界のキャリアをスタート。ロンドン(Grosvernor Casino)、ラスベガス(Luxor Casino)で2年間勤務後、スペインのレジャー企業GROUP COMARに移りカジノフロアマネジャー、オペレーションマネジャーとして経験を積む。CRISAでオペレーションディレクターを務めた後、複数のカジノ企業を経て2019年1月から現職。この間、Pontifical Catholic UniversityでMBAを取得したほかネバダ大学リノ校ほか複数の大学のビジネスプロフラムを修了。
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I´ve been often asked which is the healthy way to build a strong career in the gaming industry, in my case I did it the traditional way, I started as a casino dealer in the late 90s till my current position of COO for the Spanish market in one of the main casino operators in Europe, so more or less you need to get at least 8 upward promotions to get to that level. Generally these positions are Casino Dealer, Casino Supervisor, Pit Boss, Floor Manager, Deputy Manager (number 2 of the casino), Casino Manager, Director of Operations (Gaming) and COO.
I have seen many cases over the years in which some executives reach the top positions avoiding the tough phase of working the floor in casino operations, but eventually, what finally happens is that they commit obvious mistakes, they don´t get the respect of their collaborators. And even more relevant, they don´t know what the customers prefer, so they end up confusing everyone with their decisions; a few of them have survived and almost none of them are really admired by their peers.
I know that the younger generations are used to get everything that they want at the touch of their fingertips, so they don´t have any patience, these days’ traditions and history are ignored too often. It is the sign of the current times, but strong trees grow today as they have grown many centuries before, with strong roots. So that´s my piece of advice for anyone that wants to have a successful career in the casino industry, start at the bottom, learn the ins and outs, the tricks of the trade, feel in your flesh the long nights, develop a strong network of associates along the way, and in the end you´ll become a reference to your colleagues, a true leader of the gaming industry.
Another question that I get from time to time is how the casino business has evolved in the last 25 years. Fortunately, it has changed a lot; where there was opinion, now is data, where there was superstition, now is science. And the change has made the industry a much more interesting place to be if you are an intellectually open person; creating unforgettable customer experiences in brick and mortar casinos has become quite a mental challenge, with the ever-increasing competition of the digital world, being able to give a reason to people to leave their houses has become really tricky. It is a daunting task, and that, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting things of coming to work into the land-based casino industry, it is becoming less routinary and more creative and that makes it much more attractive.
A good example of an intellectual open person is Mr. Antonio Sanchez, the current General Manager of Casino Palma de Mallorca in Spain, now he is around 58 years old; he is a very innovative and creative manager and he was my boss in 2005. An “intellectual open person” is the kind of person who questions how things are done, and always open to doing things in a different way to challenge the status quo, looks for new and creative ways to solve old problems. He/she is not limited by tradition.
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Francisco Vidal is the former COO of Admiral Casinos in Spain (Novomatic Group). He has an extensive professional career of more than 20 years in the gaming sector, serving as COO for some of the biggest international companies of the industry. Mr Vidal has been in charge of daily operations management for more than 40 casinos in Europe and America.
by Francisco Javier Vidal Caamaño Former COO - Director of Operations ADMIRAL CASINOS SPAIN
私は昨年、ヨーロッパ有数のゲーミング企業NOVOMATIC GROUPのスペイン法人アドミラル・カジノ・スペインで、COOとしてカジノ施設を運営しながら、新規施設の開業準備を進めていました。アドミラル・カジノ・スペインの3つめのカジノ施設「Casino Admiral Granada」は11月29日に無事に開業しました。ここで私は仕事に一区切りをつけて、大学に戻ることにしました。ちょうどよい機会ですので、ゲーミング産業でのキャリアを振り返りながら、若い方々へのアドバイスをお伝えしたいと思います。
「ゲーミング業界で強固なキャリアを築く健全な方法は?」。私はしばしばこういった質問を受けますが、大学を卒業して1990年代の後半にカジノディーラーとしてスタートし、ヨーロッパ圏の主要カジノオペレーターのスペイン市場でのCOOになるまでの私の道のりは伝統的なものだったと言えます。ディーラーからCOOになるまでには、少なくとも8つの職位の階段を上らなければなりません。一般的には、Casino Dealer、Casino Supervisor、Pit Boss、Floor Manager、Deputy Manager (number 2 of the casino)、Casino Manager、Director of Operations (Gaming) 、COOです。
私が刺激を受けた知的でオープンな人の好例は、現在スペインのカCasino Palma de MallorcaのジェネラルマネージャーであるAntonio Sanchez氏です。彼はいま58歳ですが非常に革新的で創造的なマネージャーであり、2005年に私のボスでした。
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元アドミラル・カジノ・スペイン(NOVOMATIC GROUP)COO。オペレーションディレクターとして、マーケティング、F&B、IT、HR、セキュリティー&サべーランス、会計監査、ゲーミングオペレーションの指揮を執りながら、昨年11月末には「Casino Admiral Granada」をグランドオープンさせた。
1994年にスペインのUSC(University of Santiago de Compostela)経済・経営学部卒業後、カジノディーラーとしてゲーミング業界のキャリアをスタート。ロンドン(Grosvernor Casino)、ラスベガス(Luxor Casino)で2年間勤務後、スペインのレジャー企業GROUP COMARに移りカジノフロアマネジャー、オペレーションマネジャーとして経験を積む。CRISAでオペレーションディレクターを務めた後、複数のカジノ企業を経て2019年1月から現職。この間、Pontifical Catholic UniversityでMBAを取得したほかネバダ大学リノ校ほか複数の大学のビジネスプロフラムを修了。
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I´ve been often asked which is the healthy way to build a strong career in the gaming industry, in my case I did it the traditional way, I started as a casino dealer in the late 90s till my current position of COO for the Spanish market in one of the main casino operators in Europe, so more or less you need to get at least 8 upward promotions to get to that level. Generally these positions are Casino Dealer, Casino Supervisor, Pit Boss, Floor Manager, Deputy Manager (number 2 of the casino), Casino Manager, Director of Operations (Gaming) and COO.
I have seen many cases over the years in which some executives reach the top positions avoiding the tough phase of working the floor in casino operations, but eventually, what finally happens is that they commit obvious mistakes, they don´t get the respect of their collaborators. And even more relevant, they don´t know what the customers prefer, so they end up confusing everyone with their decisions; a few of them have survived and almost none of them are really admired by their peers.
I know that the younger generations are used to get everything that they want at the touch of their fingertips, so they don´t have any patience, these days’ traditions and history are ignored too often. It is the sign of the current times, but strong trees grow today as they have grown many centuries before, with strong roots. So that´s my piece of advice for anyone that wants to have a successful career in the casino industry, start at the bottom, learn the ins and outs, the tricks of the trade, feel in your flesh the long nights, develop a strong network of associates along the way, and in the end you´ll become a reference to your colleagues, a true leader of the gaming industry.
Another question that I get from time to time is how the casino business has evolved in the last 25 years. Fortunately, it has changed a lot; where there was opinion, now is data, where there was superstition, now is science. And the change has made the industry a much more interesting place to be if you are an intellectually open person; creating unforgettable customer experiences in brick and mortar casinos has become quite a mental challenge, with the ever-increasing competition of the digital world, being able to give a reason to people to leave their houses has become really tricky. It is a daunting task, and that, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting things of coming to work into the land-based casino industry, it is becoming less routinary and more creative and that makes it much more attractive.
A good example of an intellectual open person is Mr. Antonio Sanchez, the current General Manager of Casino Palma de Mallorca in Spain, now he is around 58 years old; he is a very innovative and creative manager and he was my boss in 2005. An “intellectual open person” is the kind of person who questions how things are done, and always open to doing things in a different way to challenge the status quo, looks for new and creative ways to solve old problems. He/she is not limited by tradition.
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Francisco Vidal is the former COO of Admiral Casinos in Spain (Novomatic Group). He has an extensive professional career of more than 20 years in the gaming sector, serving as COO for some of the biggest international companies of the industry. Mr Vidal has been in charge of daily operations management for more than 40 casinos in Europe and America.