フランシスコ・ヴィダル 元アドミラル・カジノ・スペインCOO
by Francisco Javier Vidal Caamaño Former COO - Director of Operations ADMIRAL CASINOS SPAIN
私は昨年、ヨーロッパ有数のゲーミング企業NOVOMATIC GROUPのスペイン法人アドミラル・カジノ・スペインで、COOとしてカジノ施設を運営しながら、新規施設の開業準備を進めていました。アドミラル・カジノ・スペインの3つめのカジノ施設「Casino Admiral Granada」は11月29日に無事に開業しました。ここで私は仕事に一区切りをつけて、大学に戻ることにしました。ちょうどよい機会ですので、前回に引き続き、あくまで私の個人的な体験ですが、新人のディーラーからCOOになるまでに、私が学んだことをお伝えしましょう。
第2は、これはかなり難しいことだと思いますが、「新たなレベルの専門知識と高次元の思考を獲得するチャンスが目の前にある瞬間に、その時点までにあなたが得ていた立場を手放すことができるか」ということです。スキル、能力、思考のレベル、物事を成し遂げる能力の面で成長したいなら、自分自身に挑戦しなければなりません。時には、今の仕事を辞めて自分の立場や利益を放棄し、別の場所でゼロから始めることが必要です。 あなたの目的は、役職の階段を登ることではないでしょう。しかし、あなたの仕事をよりよくするためには、知識とスキルは、名刺に印刷されている肩書や会社名よりも価値あるものなのです。
私はスペインの大学を卒業してから、1998年にイギリスのカジノ(Grosvenor Casinos in Luton and Reading、Napoleons Casinos in London)でディーラーとして働いた後、ラスベガス(Luxor Casino)に移りました。ラスベガスに行ったときは、カジノ市場についての知識もなく、友人もツテもなく、所持金はたった1,300米ドルしかない状態でした。新しい場所で学びたかったのです。そして合計2年間、ディーラーとして働く間、ゲストと同僚をじっくり観察していました。自分たちが他部門とどう連携しているのかも見ていました。
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元アドミラル・カジノ・スペイン(NOVOMATIC GROUP)COO。オペレーションディレクターとして、マーケティング、F&B、IT、HR、セキュリティー&サべーランス、会計監査、ゲーミングオペレーションの指揮を執りながら、昨年11月末には「Casino Admiral Granada」をグランドオープンさせた。
1994年にスペインのUSC(University of Santiago de Compostela)経済・経営学部卒業後、カジノディーラーとしてゲーミング業界のキャリアをスタート。ロンドン(Grosvernor Casino)、ラスベガス(Luxor Casino)で2年間勤務後、スペインのレジャー企業GROUP COMARに移りカジノフロアマネジャー、オペレーションマネジャーとして経験を積む。CRISAでオペレーションディレクターを務めた後、複数のカジノ企業を経て2019年1月から現職。この間、Pontifical Catholic UniversityでMBAを取得したほかネバダ大学リノ校ほか複数の大学のビジネスプロフラムを修了。
Continuing my last column about how to build a successful career in the gaming industry, I will share with you now a couple of personal lessons that I have learned along the way.
The first one is about how to get the skills and knowledge necessary to get promoted to higher-level positions, and for that, in my humble opinion, there is no substitute for hard work, long hours of study.
In my case, I studied economics and business administration because I wanted to understand how societies really worked, which were the priorities, how resources were allocated, which were the components of the economic machine, how we could improve people's lives using in an efficient manner the economics tools.
Regarding my studies in business administration, in the context of the casino business:
The first two are like the bare minimum, many people are able to work hard and study. In fact, once you start to do that seriously, it becomes kind of a routine, you do it in an automatic manner. However, the capacity to leave everything behind and start from zero requires a totally different kind of man its plain human nature. We like certainty, and once that we get to a decent position in life, we are afraid of losing what we have worked so hard to get. But that is what separates the good people from the outstanding one. So if you are serious about reaching the highest positions in the gaming industry in a rightful manner, you have to be open to change the security of your current job for the possibility of taking a new assignment and challenge yourself, not once, but multiple times during your career.
I worked as a dealer for 2 years (1998 and 1999), first in the UK (for Grosvenor Casinos in Luton and Reading, for Napoleons Casinos in London) and then in Las Vegas (Luxor Casino). How I got to Las Vegas was an interesting story in itself. Because I went there without any knowledge of the market, no friends, no contacts and only $1,300 in my pocket.
By the way, my image about the casino dealer job was very different before I started to work in my first casino (Luton), I thought that the casino dealer job was very glamorous, that the casino was packed with interesting and classy people, that I would have interesting conversations with the customers. In reality I found the job was quite impersonal, repetitive, that the customers were very rude when they lost money, that there were many low class people visiting the casino, in summary, it was not what I expected at all, but in my case, I liked the mechanical part of the job: dealing the cards, handling the casino chips, the quick calculations of the payments in the different games, the pace, being able to work under pressure. From a technical point of view, I was a natural for the job, I had the hands, the mind and the personality to do well, and all managers that I met during those 2 years as a dealer told me how talented I was, and that I would have a great career in the industry.
In the year 2000, I came back to Spain, and I applied to a couple of gaming companies for a job. In one of them, I got an interview and they offered me a position as a top dealer (highest category in the company for that kind of position) But I refused it and told them that I was only interested in a floor manager position. Then they could give me a 3-month contract to test me, if everything worked, it would be fine, and if they didn´t like how I performed, they could cancel the contract easily. No bad feelings.
I think that they were impressed with my initiative, my self-confidence, my willingness to risk the job offer (top dealer), my previous experience in both the UK and the USA, apart from the fact that I had a degree in economics and business administration, on top of that, I said to them that I was willing to relocate anywhere in the world if the company had any plans of opening other casinos outside of Spain. So, I became floor manager at 27 years of age in Menorca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, a small casino of 10 tables and 70 slot machines.
The second lesson is related to the first one. How can you possibly climb the stairs to the corporate level positions in the gaming industry and be true to yourself during that process. And I´m going to be quite honest about it.
There is a great number of people that be promoted to the C-suite with little idea about the business. You´ll find them in all types of industries and the gaming industry is no exception. These people know how to play the game, how to read the emotions of the corporation and act accordingly to their best self-interest. But I do not have any kind of respect for those kinds of executives. ("Play the game" in this case means to be good at corporate politics and maneuvering on people emotions to get promoted.)
For me, the right way to get promoted is by creating value for your organization. Once you have gotten your first business unit, make the numbers (in the end you have to deliver good results in order to get the trust of your employer) and create a healthy environment around you, for your team, your customers and all the stakeholders involved.
Then, your competence will shine and your superiors will be willing to give you more responsibility, apart from the fact that you will get the respect of the others business managers.
Something that will be of great value when you are giving the opportunity to lead them, just be patient, in the end, most of the time, fairness prevails.
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Francisco Vidal is the former COO of Admiral Casinos in Spain (Novomatic Group). He has an extensive professional career of more than 20 years in the gaming sector, serving as COO for some of the biggest international companies of the industry. Mr Vidal has been in charge of daily operations management for more than 40 casinos in Europe and America.
by Francisco Javier Vidal Caamaño Former COO - Director of Operations ADMIRAL CASINOS SPAIN
私は昨年、ヨーロッパ有数のゲーミング企業NOVOMATIC GROUPのスペイン法人アドミラル・カジノ・スペインで、COOとしてカジノ施設を運営しながら、新規施設の開業準備を進めていました。アドミラル・カジノ・スペインの3つめのカジノ施設「Casino Admiral Granada」は11月29日に無事に開業しました。ここで私は仕事に一区切りをつけて、大学に戻ることにしました。ちょうどよい機会ですので、前回に引き続き、あくまで私の個人的な体験ですが、新人のディーラーからCOOになるまでに、私が学んだことをお伝えしましょう。
- 「戦略」の授業からは、ビジネス環境を分析するための様々な手法を学びました。私が働いていたさまざまなカジノにおいて、適切な事業計画を立てるのに役立ちました。
- 「マーケティング」の知識は、顧客にバランスのとれた価値提案を創造し、私が与えられていた限られた経営資源で顧客経験を最適化するのに役立ちました。
- 「財務・会計」は事業の成績を理解し、コストを削減してカジノの収益性を高める機会を見つけるための基本的な科目でした。
- 「人事」はカジノマネジメントにおいて非常に軽視されているテーマです。しかし私は、従業員の能力こそがビジネスに変化をもたらすと真に信じています。ですから人事領域の知識は、何が従業員を動機付け、どうしたら彼らの最高のパフォーマンスを引き出すのかを理解するのに非常に有益でした。
第2は、これはかなり難しいことだと思いますが、「新たなレベルの専門知識と高次元の思考を獲得するチャンスが目の前にある瞬間に、その時点までにあなたが得ていた立場を手放すことができるか」ということです。スキル、能力、思考のレベル、物事を成し遂げる能力の面で成長したいなら、自分自身に挑戦しなければなりません。時には、今の仕事を辞めて自分の立場や利益を放棄し、別の場所でゼロから始めることが必要です。 あなたの目的は、役職の階段を登ることではないでしょう。しかし、あなたの仕事をよりよくするためには、知識とスキルは、名刺に印刷されている肩書や会社名よりも価値あるものなのです。
2000年にスペインに戻ると、いくつかのゲーミング企業の求人に応募しました。 そのうちの1社は、私にトップディーラーとしてのポジション(その会社のディーラー職の中で最上の職位)を提示していましたが、私は面接でそれを拒否し、「フロアマネージャーのポジションにしか興味がない」と伝えました。ディーラーの仕事も気に入っていましたが、大学で学んだ経済学や経営管理学を活かしたかったのです。
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元アドミラル・カジノ・スペイン(NOVOMATIC GROUP)COO。オペレーションディレクターとして、マーケティング、F&B、IT、HR、セキュリティー&サべーランス、会計監査、ゲーミングオペレーションの指揮を執りながら、昨年11月末には「Casino Admiral Granada」をグランドオープンさせた。
1994年にスペインのUSC(University of Santiago de Compostela)経済・経営学部卒業後、カジノディーラーとしてゲーミング業界のキャリアをスタート。ロンドン(Grosvernor Casino)、ラスベガス(Luxor Casino)で2年間勤務後、スペインのレジャー企業GROUP COMARに移りカジノフロアマネジャー、オペレーションマネジャーとして経験を積む。CRISAでオペレーションディレクターを務めた後、複数のカジノ企業を経て2019年1月から現職。この間、Pontifical Catholic UniversityでMBAを取得したほかネバダ大学リノ校ほか複数の大学のビジネスプロフラムを修了。
Continuing my last column about how to build a successful career in the gaming industry, I will share with you now a couple of personal lessons that I have learned along the way.
The first one is about how to get the skills and knowledge necessary to get promoted to higher-level positions, and for that, in my humble opinion, there is no substitute for hard work, long hours of study.
In my case, I studied economics and business administration because I wanted to understand how societies really worked, which were the priorities, how resources were allocated, which were the components of the economic machine, how we could improve people's lives using in an efficient manner the economics tools.
Regarding my studies in business administration, in the context of the casino business:
- The subject of strategy provided me with the tools to analyze the business environment and helped me design a proper plan for the different casinos in which I worked throughout my career.
- Marketing was useful to create a balanced value proposition for the customers, optimizing their experience with the scarce financial resources that I had.
- Finance and Accounting were basic subjects to understand the performance of the business, and where to find opportunities to reduce costs and increase the profitability of the casinos.
- Human resources is a very neglected subject in casino management, but in my case, I am a true believer in the capacity of people to make a difference for the business. So this area of knowledge was very useful to understand what motivates people and how to get their best performance in the casino setting.
The first two are like the bare minimum, many people are able to work hard and study. In fact, once you start to do that seriously, it becomes kind of a routine, you do it in an automatic manner. However, the capacity to leave everything behind and start from zero requires a totally different kind of man its plain human nature. We like certainty, and once that we get to a decent position in life, we are afraid of losing what we have worked so hard to get. But that is what separates the good people from the outstanding one. So if you are serious about reaching the highest positions in the gaming industry in a rightful manner, you have to be open to change the security of your current job for the possibility of taking a new assignment and challenge yourself, not once, but multiple times during your career.
I worked as a dealer for 2 years (1998 and 1999), first in the UK (for Grosvenor Casinos in Luton and Reading, for Napoleons Casinos in London) and then in Las Vegas (Luxor Casino). How I got to Las Vegas was an interesting story in itself. Because I went there without any knowledge of the market, no friends, no contacts and only $1,300 in my pocket.
By the way, my image about the casino dealer job was very different before I started to work in my first casino (Luton), I thought that the casino dealer job was very glamorous, that the casino was packed with interesting and classy people, that I would have interesting conversations with the customers. In reality I found the job was quite impersonal, repetitive, that the customers were very rude when they lost money, that there were many low class people visiting the casino, in summary, it was not what I expected at all, but in my case, I liked the mechanical part of the job: dealing the cards, handling the casino chips, the quick calculations of the payments in the different games, the pace, being able to work under pressure. From a technical point of view, I was a natural for the job, I had the hands, the mind and the personality to do well, and all managers that I met during those 2 years as a dealer told me how talented I was, and that I would have a great career in the industry.
In the year 2000, I came back to Spain, and I applied to a couple of gaming companies for a job. In one of them, I got an interview and they offered me a position as a top dealer (highest category in the company for that kind of position) But I refused it and told them that I was only interested in a floor manager position. Then they could give me a 3-month contract to test me, if everything worked, it would be fine, and if they didn´t like how I performed, they could cancel the contract easily. No bad feelings.
I think that they were impressed with my initiative, my self-confidence, my willingness to risk the job offer (top dealer), my previous experience in both the UK and the USA, apart from the fact that I had a degree in economics and business administration, on top of that, I said to them that I was willing to relocate anywhere in the world if the company had any plans of opening other casinos outside of Spain. So, I became floor manager at 27 years of age in Menorca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea, a small casino of 10 tables and 70 slot machines.
The second lesson is related to the first one. How can you possibly climb the stairs to the corporate level positions in the gaming industry and be true to yourself during that process. And I´m going to be quite honest about it.
There is a great number of people that be promoted to the C-suite with little idea about the business. You´ll find them in all types of industries and the gaming industry is no exception. These people know how to play the game, how to read the emotions of the corporation and act accordingly to their best self-interest. But I do not have any kind of respect for those kinds of executives. ("Play the game" in this case means to be good at corporate politics and maneuvering on people emotions to get promoted.)
For me, the right way to get promoted is by creating value for your organization. Once you have gotten your first business unit, make the numbers (in the end you have to deliver good results in order to get the trust of your employer) and create a healthy environment around you, for your team, your customers and all the stakeholders involved.
Then, your competence will shine and your superiors will be willing to give you more responsibility, apart from the fact that you will get the respect of the others business managers.
Something that will be of great value when you are giving the opportunity to lead them, just be patient, in the end, most of the time, fairness prevails.
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Francisco Vidal is the former COO of Admiral Casinos in Spain (Novomatic Group). He has an extensive professional career of more than 20 years in the gaming sector, serving as COO for some of the biggest international companies of the industry. Mr Vidal has been in charge of daily operations management for more than 40 casinos in Europe and America.